Ina Consulting Engineers

Wellington based consulting structural engineers specialising in residential, commercial and institutional buildings, foundations and retaining walls.

A studio portrait photo of Peter Johnson
I'm Peter Johnson

BEng(Hons)(Civil) MEng CMEngNZ CPEng IntPE(NZ)/APEC Engineer

I am the founding Director of Ina Consulting Engineers Ltd with 25 years experience as a Structural Engineer specialising in the design of low to medium rise building structures, foundations and retaining walls.  I strive to provide an excellent professional service on each project, working with the client, consultants and contractor, to ensure a high quality outcome and client satisfaction.

Following seven years’ experience working in a UK based structural and civil engineering consultancy I immigrated to New Zealand.  I gained a broad experience of designing structures in the Wellington region, further afield in New Zealand and Australia and attained CPEng (structural) certification in 2014.  I have a thorough experience of various building materials and am confident to review alternative materials or construction techniques to suit a particular projects requirements or environmental goals.

I have excellent team skills working with the design team to ensure the best outcome for the project.    

In my spare time I enjoy supporting my son in his sports and band activities, walking my dog and family bike rides.


We are pleased to offer the following services:

Structural design for residential, commercial and institutional
Retaining Walls
Seismic assessment and strengthening
Construction Monitoring
Seismic restraint of services
Featured projects

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We are proud members of ACE New Zealand
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